
After being in the industry for decades, Klavertje Vijf has had the pleasure to work with an impressive range of clients and institutions

Frans Hals Museum

For years Paul has had the honour to take care of all the flowers during special exhibitions.

Inbetween the stunning paintings you'll be able to enjoy the floral art Klavertje Vijf is known for, the vases and objects used are of extraordinary quality and are designed by diverse designers varying from modern to classical in style.

Check out the Frans Hals agenda to make sure you don't miss the next one.


BARTS Amsterdam

Paul was asked to come in full time to take care and restore all of the plants from diseases and lice.

After three and a half weeks of work all plants were reinvigorated and complimented the space as intended.


200 Orchids

When the question was asked whether Paul could make a headpiece out of 200 orchids the answer was "yes".

Once again creating a stunning artistic piece that has been seen around the world.


Dutch Lily Days

On the opening of Dutch Lily Days 2023 Paul & Jan de Boer demonstrated the beauty of the freshly launched Libre Lily line on stage.

A later photoshoot with Lyan van Furth further emphasised the practical beauty of the new lily line.


Teaching in China

Paul & other top class florists were asked by Weerman if they could teach their craft in China.

The students were florists from China, after flying over with 250 kilos of flowers and teaching for 5 days, the Chinese florists had a competition to see who could come take a course at the Amsterdam Flower School.


Nazomer Nachtlicht & Volente

Nazomer Nachtlicht en Volente have been a beautiful and interactive experience for people from and around Haarlem to celebrate the longest and shortest nights of the year.

With the intention of connecting closely with nature a green hand like Pauls works wonders to enamour guests with their surroundings.

These gorgeous photographs are from Karel Ham.